how to : aperol spritz



When we were in the midst of opening new THR1VE stores, hiring new people for HQ, trying to set up an office, planning a trip to Sweden, and last but not least planning a 90 people engagement party (to be held at home), I shot up from reading a mag in bed one night, thinking “What the hell are people going to be drinking?!”

Now, can I start bye saying that throwing an engagement party at home does require a certain amount of time and effort, probably a lot more than what I had to spare, but boy, was it fun. Designing everything from playlists to cocktails, to setting up marquees and even cleaning up the next day, the entire process was made of the stuff I dream about. I guess that this is the designer in me talking, but if this is anything of what planning a wedding is like, I say bring it on. 

We both wanted this to be something extraordinary, as I assume most people would, and to do so we wanted to bring in the best of what we loved. I was introduced to Aperol Spritz a Swedish late summers day, by my parents, whom had just returned from a trip to Italy. Apparently, this was the drink everyone was sipping as the Italian  sun slowly set, and not only did it look amazing, but tasted exactly like summer should.

Needless to day, I have loved this cocktail ever since, and was the perfect go to for our little celebration.

You’ll need

A bottle of Aperol (available at most bottle shops)

A bottle of Proseco

Soda water


Oranges. Lots of oranges


3 parts Prosecco

2 parts Aperol

1 part soda water

Add orange sliced and ice

… and a sprig of mint or rosemary to garnish


