how to maintain a glowing complexion
Having a blemish free, dewy and radiant complexion is better than the most luxe wardrobe addition that money can buy. Seriously. Those people that “look good in anything, any time”, all have a few things in common, including glowing, happy skin. Now sadly, good skin is not something you can simply “add to cart” and have delivered to your door step, nor is there a quick, magic fix.
Sorry, folks.
Some lucky bastards (I’m sorry, but it really isn’t fair), can treat their bodies and skin like a junk yard, and still manage to get away with always looking a million bucks. I, for one, am not one of those people, and if you’re reading this, I assume you’re not either. Welcome, mere mortal — you’re not alone!
If I’ve had a few vinos the night before, skimped on sleep, not eaten well, forgotten to take off my make up or even just been too stressed at work, my skin is the first tell-tale sign that something’s up. Even though I also like to blame the season’s changing (winter = dry, tight skin), the better your ‘base’ is, the less trouble you’ll have. It’s like everything in life, really.
So, consider this a life lesson.
If a make up artist asks me what my skin type is, I would say it’s that of a combination type, and very prone to change when my environment changes. In Winter, my main concerns are dryness and lack of lustre — both things that can be battled with a few basics. But don’t be fooled. Approach your skin care routine exactly like that — a routine that will take time, but will defiantly give you results.

It appears it’s my birthday next month (I’m telling myself everything is going to be OK… just breathe…) and skin concerns that I thought I would never have, for example sun damage and dark under eyes, have both become things I take more notice of, and want to prevent as much as possible. At this point, it’s all about prevention, and things that you can do now to ensure your skin stays in it’s prime for as long as possible. Think things like regular facials, eye creams and being sun conscious. It all adds up, and can together make a huge difference on how your skin looks and feels.
Just before our wedding, I was lucky enough to enjoy a super luxe facial with the beautiful people at Dermalogica in Crows Nest. To be honest, I was mostly looking forward to a few minutes of pampering, as the wedding drew closer and work was picking up, just the thought of some ‘me’ time was very, very exciting. The girl who was looking after me was also in the process of organising her wedding, so we ended up having a great chat about guest lists, dresses, and of course — skincare. I was only a couple of weeks out from the big day, and though I felt pretty good about my skin at that point, I asked her what a skincare specialist would do in the lead up to her big day. I’ve summarised a few of the points we spoke about below, with a few tricks of my own that I have personally see work.
She also sent me off with a personal skin care regime, one that you can adopt to your own liking, with products that you already (might) own. But they are all part of a very basic, but ‘no-fail’ skin care regime that’s continued to serve me, even through these dreaded Winter months.
Self explanatory. To be used daily, after removing heavy make up with cotton pads & remover.
I use a glycolic scrub once or twice weekly. This helps manage dead skin and clear out any impurities.
Eye cream
As I mentioned, dark under eyes is a concern of mine, so I chose one used to brighten and hydrate
Hydrating mask
This one from Dermalogica is a wonder worker, especially if you’re prone to dry or dull skin. Pop it on over night, or if you’re feeling like you need an extra boost, use a little under your make up.
Face oil
Another favourite of mine from the Dermalogica range – their phyto replenish oil. This is liquid gold. Literally.

Let’s also keep in mind that everyone is different, and just because this works for me, doesn’t mean it will for you. Don’t believe the ‘hype’ in products, but if you truly believe in a brand and what they’re doing, get involved and get the whole experience. Having a trained professional asses my skin and recommend me products left me feeling very at ease, knowing that I could come back and ask for help if I needed it.
She also reminded me that great skin starts from the inside, so all the things you’ve heard about regarding eating well, exercising and de-stressing, are true. I can speak on this point from my own experience, and I cannot stress enough (excuse the pun), how much stress takes a toll — not only on your skin, but your mental and emotional wellbeing too. Something I’ve touched on before, but I truly find helps, is meditation. I am a meditation newbie, so I need all the help that I can get. Something I’ve found really does help me with this is program called Mindspo.

Last but not least, I’ve summarised the things we touched on that are key players in sporting skin that you love. Remember, everything (including applying make up) will get a whole lot easier, and look a whole lot better, once you get your base right.
Diet is important
Very important. Think of the foods you’re putting in your mouth making up your complexion. Yes, broccoli looks better than a greasy pizza. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself — no one is perfect, so don’t try to be. Balance is key, so allow yourself treats, in moderation. 80/20 is a great rule to go by.
Water, water, water
I’m a savage ‘non-water-drinker’, and have to force myself to drink enough everyday. Oh boy, did I notice a difference in my skin when I started doing this. So, drink up.
Regular facials
Go on, treat yourself. As you can see I both use and love their products, so I’m naturally going to recommend Dermalogica (they have tons of store locations), but find something that’s easy for you to access and fits within your budget.
Always take your make up off
If it means you have to start your night routine earlier, then so be it. Never, ever, eeeever go to bed with make up on. You can thank me in the morning.
Find products you love, and stick to them
Not just to give them a chance to work their magic, but your skin needs consistency in order to show improvement. Products in a range are usually designed to go together, so find a range you love and stick to it.