move. nourish. believe

New Year’s resolution?

Why, I have many. And after discussions at the dinner table I think we all agreed that my biggest one should be to switch off more – and I mean quite literally. When a big chunk of your life, work and fun is powered by a screen, buttons and that damned Wi-Fi connection – it’s difficult to put the toys down.

A bad habit is (more) easily tamed with the help of another one, and I think I’ve found my new focus. As I’ve always been active and thrive on being in constant motion (both body and mind, yes, a million miles an hour, all the time..), working with Lorna Jane on their latest campaign was not only a pleasure but also thoroughly enjoyable.

If you are planning on a more active year, get some fresh gear into your wardrobe. At the risk of sounding incredibly vain : it absolutely makes a difference.

wearing | lorna jane
shot by claire fabb | style by yellow button
hair & make up | max may
styling | naomi smith



  1. You’re totally right: if you have some cute workout gear, you are that much more inclined to get your fitness on, vain or not. Isn’t working out vain anyway? Never mind, killer shoes.

    Funny, my resolution was to switch on more (don’t tell my husband).

    xx Hélène

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